
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tired Of It.

I'm not sure if my grandma is just old and senile, or if she's just stupid and blaming it on being old and senile.

Lets see :
Two days ago, she got the brilliant idea to take all of my body wash out of the shower, and put my toothpaste in there.
Yesterday, we were out to lunch and she ordered a side salad. It arrived, and she shoved it aside saying she'll just take it home, when she could've told the waitress that she wanted to take it home in the first place, instead of wasting a dish and the poor girls time.
Today she decided to put hair conditioner into the hand soap.
She also ate MY food. She didn't know it was mine, when it's obvious that it was mine because it was organic and from Whole Foods, when all she ever buys herself is cookies and juice.

"Don't worry, you wouldn't have liked it anyway," she says.
Because apparently, I buy food I won't like. You know, not shit that I'll eat when I'm fucking hungry.

We are now out of any sort of meals. We have a bunch of rice, and that's it. I'm not kidding. Rice, and summer sausage. She won't go grocery shopping because it's "too hot," yet, she'll go out to lunch.

In the car.
In the heat.
We drive by two grocery stores.
Stupid or senile, you decide.

It'd be really, really nice if for once in my life I could have an actual dinner meal, and not something you microwave or cook on the stove for three minutes and "just add water and our seasoning packet!"

The second thing I'm tired of is my friends. They're good people, really. Lately, the past few months, I've been pretty much left out of all of their events. They make random ones all the time, and so far almost everyday. Just spur of the moment things and they can all go.

I make an event so I can see them all, and none of them can go. They're all "busy". Or don't have a ride.
And here they say it's sad that I don't have my license when most of them don't, either. Not like I have a car to drive it with! It's also not my fault that my mother took months to get the right side mirror fixed so I could legally drive it, and it's also not my fault that her insurance bounced and so I couldn't drive for another month. And lastly, it is also  not my fault that she doesn't have a job, so she never has money for GAS.

Fuck off, seriously.

They seem to be stuck on "not drinking is the cool new thing and everyone's doing it!" and not in the "no one on Earth actually gives a fuck if you drink or not" phase. My boyfriend drinks. He's Russian, it's pretty much obligatory for him to drink. What kind of Russian would he be if he didn't have a shot of Vodka with his morning cereal?

I kid.

Sort of.

He doesn't drink often, either. My friend makes an event for his birthday party, this friend would drink if it was there pretty much. Not much of a drinker himself, though. Anyway, Mike asks if he could bring some booze.

Everyone flipped a fat bitch.

This is a short version of how the conversation went :
Mike : Booze?
Friend 1 : If there's booze, I'm so not going to drink!
Friend 2 : Yeah, I'm with Friend 1!
Me : There won't be booze.
Friend 2 : Well I'm just saying if there is, I wouldn't drink it :D
Me : But there won't be, so it's pointless to state that.
Friend 3 : Booze? Count me out!
Me : There won't be booze!
Friend 4 : Yeah guys, lets just keep this a sober party :D
Friend 1 :  Jesus...
Friend 5 : I'm not going to drink, either.
Friend 2 : Yeah me either!!

By this time, I've ran my head into a wall too many times to reply back.
Life Tip #102: Beware of Hipster friends.

I wish I had friends who didn't care if he smokes or drinks. Or leave me out of events. All of the past events. The only reason I was invited to the last one was because I ran into them and someone randomly mentioned it. Not that I could go, though. Mom had no gas and no one could give me a ride.

I need college friends. It'd be nice to see my name tagged in all of those status's of them bragging about what a great day they had with everyone. It'd be nice to see more than 2 people try to talk to Mike and not have him shoved off into the corner.

Oh well, it's not my fault that most of them won't give him a chance. Maybe if I went off and dated someone in the group like the rest of them do and cause stupid drama I'd still fit right in.



  1. On your grandma, that is weird and kind of funny if she was messing with someone else's stuff.

    The friends part must piss you off it would me >_<

  2. Why can't your grandma live in a senior home or something? It'll save her the trouble.

  3. There's nothing wrong with being different. If you really like(or love, whatever) your boyfriend, then who cares? Just stick with him :) Even if your friends are kind of standoffish or whatever, at least you have your boyfriend, right? Or not. I dunno. Depends on what's more important to you.

  4. Grandma does sound a bit mental. I think all grandmas do in the end, but at first it's selective.

    And I think you need new friends. Ones who know how to have a party.

  5. Ahh I felt so awkward reading this blog. It's just.. I love my grandparents (father's side). So i can't imagine if my grandma did all the things your grandma did. I think i'd cry or something >.<

    And wow.. your friends sure are.. interesting lolol. Ughh who needs em? Let them party by themselves. You can go to town and pick up a new crowd easy. Find friends who actually have time to spend with you and doesn't care if your BF drinks or not. (I know easy for me to say.. I do still have friends who are not exactly.. good friends.)

    Wait I thought you were in college?! You can't still be in high school... are you?!!!!! Don't tell me you're younger than me OMGOSH O_O /dies...

  6. Ima - It does piss me off, a lot lol It's funny after a few days but otherwise, she makes no sense.

    Collin - She can still do a lot herself, and she's lived in the same house for like 40 years so I can understand why she wouldn't want to move to somewhere new after being here so long.

    Mimi - No I'm in college XD My friends are a year younger than me though, so they're just starting college and I'm in my second year.

    Jodie - I will do just that :) He's a great guy, and just because they don't like him because of stupid reasons doesn't mean I'm going to drop him lol


You're already at the end of the post, the big white box is right there, so empty and lonely, why not leave some love? :)