
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Have you ever had that feeling, where you want so much, and then it's gone, and then back again? It's confusing.

It's silly because
I know you'll never read this.

It's silly because
you want to know so much.

It's silly because
you keep trying, even after I say no.

It's silly because
I don't want you to stop trying.


  1. It's one of the most confusing feelings in the world. Sometimes we don't know what we want until we get to the point where we need it. I guess that's the journey of life - always keeps us guessing. I think sometimes I'd love to know certain things are mapped out infront of me.. bit scary going through life never knowing what the hell might happen when you turn each corner.

  2. Yeah, I think having a small map might ease some of the confusion or worry :/

  3. Yeah i get that a lot, but then again human beings are never satisfied with what they have, they always want more (myself included)


You're already at the end of the post, the big white box is right there, so empty and lonely, why not leave some love? :)